Helping families reach new milestones
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Elizabeth Roberts

Elizabeth Roberts


Elizabeth Roberts, PsyD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Neuropsychologist

Autism Expert

I am an experienced psychologist and neuropsychologist in practice for over three decades. Over my career, I have helped people of all ages, from babies to older adults. I have been privileged to gain most of my experience and wisdom at university hospitals across New England and the tri-state area.

I seek to understand people from a developmental perspective. In simple terms, I am interested in your child’s life story—the impact their growing-up years have had on who they are today and the experiences that have affected their journey. I am solution-oriented. I work directly with individuals and collaborate with the larger Milestones team to provide your family with resources to support your child after the neuropsychological evaluation process.

My specialty is in autism across the lifespan, particularly with children as well as autism in girls. My approach to autism-based evaluations rests on my training and experience in human development, health, and mental health. I bring this perspective to my efforts to help children, families, and adults feel better and make changes. I also conduct consultations to parents, schools, and other organizations.


National Director of Clinical Support Services for College Internship Program (CIP)

Psychologist and Neuropsychologist at NYU Child Study Center

PResearch Evaluator at NYU’s Phyllis Green and Randolph Cowen Institute for Pediatric Neuroscience

Staff Psychologist at Tufts New England Medical Center

Staff Psychologist at Tufts New England Medical Center

Staff Psychologist at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital

Clinical Neuropsychology Post Doctoral Fellow at Hahnemann University Hospital


BA Psychology Brown University

PsyD in Clinical Psychology from Hahnemann University (now Drexel)

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